Full Name: Randy Wayne Frederick Date of Birth: August 7, 1981
Place of Residence: Hollywood, California
Home Town: Moore, Oklahoma Hair: Blonde Eyes: Blue Height: 5'10"
Weight: 155 Marital Status:
No plans on commitment - but always looking for a fun girl!
Fave Actor/Actress:
Brad Pitt / Juliette Lewis Fave Movie:
Kalifornia / Mall Rats Fave TV Show: Shipwrecked?
I should say that, but to be honest I like OZ!!
Most fun show to
work on: 'Morning After' Fave Music Act:
Pearl Jam / Cross Canadian Ragweed
Fave Song/Albums:
Warning Sign.. by ColdPlay; A Rush of Blood to the Head.. by Coldplay; Sea of Changes.. by Beck
Fave holiday destination:
Oklahoma Fave place to hang out in LA:
Barney's Beanery Fave thing to do in your spare time:
Britney or Christina:
Britney Looks or Personality: both.. more
personality though. Blond or Brunette: no pref. Beer or shots: Beer West Coast or East Coast: west Hollywood or Broadway: hollywood Football or
Baseball: baseball to play, football to watch Staying in or
going out: going out Pizza or burger: pizza
Who or what inspired you
to take up acting: My mom Did you
go straight into acting from high school: nope. I went to college on sport scholarships (swimming and cross country), after my first
year i went back to Oklahoma where my mom encouraged me to be happy and to what I wanted to do. Gave me the option of
staying in town or moving to California. When i moved to Cali my aunt (Nan) enrolled me in acting classes. That
was the beginning.
First acting role:
A waiter in a student film. I had never been so nervous, I
had like 4 lines and I couldn't get it out. I kept forgetting and mumbling. Most challenging
role so far: Coming up for Terror Toons. I usually
play the leading role pigeon-holed as a jock, popular guy, but I am playing the nice, good friend, nerdy guy. Which show would you like to be a part of: OZ, an HBO series. Movies or TVs.. Which do you prefer
working in: Definately Movies. What
does 2003 hold for you: Studying
acting. Highlight of your career so far: My
Grandma seeing me on TV while she was in the hospital, it made her so happy. And that makes me happy.
