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The Shipwrecked Experience

After spotting and answering an ad in an actors weekly magazine Randy Wayne was selected to take part in a major reality TV show for UK television called Shipwrecked International. Between May and July 2001, he found himself stranded on a deserted island off Fiji with 15 others for a duration of 9 weeks....


If anyone was to ask Randy Wayne any question about life on the island or how he felt being there... the answer would be yes! Bored? YES.. Fun? YES.. Hungry? Yes... Life on an rollercoaster, he probably experienced every emotion out there, major highs and lows but looking back it was a great experience.. including a spectacular exit in which he undertook a three hour swim to a neighbouring island! Best experience was meeting his fellow British castmates, and the party they had on arrival, although another party brings him to his worst experience... a major hangover after celebrating castmate Vicki's birthday!

Randy Wayne's Post Show Interview..

Age? 20

Where are you from? Lake Forest, California

What is your romantic status? There's a girl I'm talking to, but nothing serious

What job do you do? Waiter/actor

What's your favourite song/book/thing?

Song: Break your neck -by Busta Rhymes

Film: Mallrats

Book: Devils playground by D.P. Lyle

What's the biggest wobbly you've ever thrown?
I threw a party on the last day of school when I was 16. I put flyers out at school and bought three kegs. I expected, like, a hundred people, but there ended up being around 300 crazy party animals. It was great; the garage, the backyard, the pool, the hot tub, and the house were all completely full. I woke up the next day at 1pm the next day with 20 people passed out throughout my house. The clean up was hell. I saw verything from chicks piercing their nipples, to keg stands, to an arm wrestling tournament, to sex in the hot tub. AMAZING!!

What is your worst habit?
I'm really nosey. I always want to know what is going on, and what people are thinking.

What were the other castmembers worse habits?
Salvo being naked. Rainbow licking the tins. Shawn correcting everyone. Geordie thinking he was always right (which he usually was). Jeffro hiding from work. Sarah arguing. Malia bossing people around. Donna well 'I'm fu...king hungry'. Leon looking in the mirror. Vicki bitching about her ex.

What luxury item did you take? An American football

What was your best moment on the island?
When I first met the Brits and Europeans, that was a happy moment. The whole first day on the island was fun.
Worst moment on the island?
I got a puffy face after eating too much suger after the ration run arrived.

What was your favourite island fashion statement? Salvo's little black undies get my vote.

What did you learn on the island?
I learnt that I'm a patient guy. I learnt lots of things: fishing, survival, English vocabulary, Aussie sayings, coconuts are a natural laxative and leaves are crappy toilet paper. The most important thing I learnt is that it is IMPOSSIBLE to get an erection without the right sugars and nutrients.
What advice would you give to anyone wanting to go on the show? If you want to be on Shipwrecked and you feel you can handle the hunger, arguments, boredom and responsibilty, then I say go for it. Even if you think you can't handle all of these, maybe you should try anyway.

If you absolutely had to, who from Shipwrecked would you go on a date with?
Tough decision, I think CJ would be the funnest or maybe Sarah.

Where would you take them? My bed, just kidding. In California I would take them to Huntingdon beach so we could have some fun in the sun. Get some icecream. Shower and change into something nice, then head towards Hollywood for a night on the town. Dinner at a swanky restaurant and then onto a club so we can get crazy on the dancefloor and get our drink on.

If you had to dispose of someone from Shipwrecked, who would it be and how would you do it, so you wouldn't get caught? Dumbass question.

Sum up Island experience is 5 words that aren't rude or made-up?
Happy, Hunger, Boring, Yam, Arguments.

Tell us a secret that you wouldn't tell your parents?
I don't have secrets, if you want to know something, ask me and I'll tell you.

Shipwrecked Book

Buy the Official Channel 4 book here

Click here to visit the official Channel 4 website for 'Shipwrecked'





(Big thanks to the Jeffro Fansite for sharing their Shipwrecked Pics!)

Don't forget to visit the websites dedicated to other members of the Shipwrecked Crew..