Q - Did you have fun out here in colorado
filming The Surfer King? I know I did. It was a really great experience and I hope to see you again but next time in California.
A - Alright if I see you in Cali, this would be a very small world. But
it's definately possible and I hope it happens. Colorady is a cool place, but I think you would enjoy So Cal a lot more.
Q - Hey Randy! Guess what? I can whistle now!
I've been doing it every day! yay. it was great watching ben have a breakdown because of his "bad acting." Catie
A - The hand whistle. yeah took me a little while. See all it took
was a little practice. You're a sweet girl, best of luck with everything.
Q - I Will Be REffered to As G O D and G O D only so what is up homeskillet?
I bought a keg woke up in a hot tub and had no phone, so that is reasonfor no contact. First things first I just
have to get off my chest KILL WHITEYwhooo DOGGIE glad to clear that up. Alright jive ass turkey all for now lastcomment
the ladies on this site seem to be jocking you quite hard, so that'sgood. But I figure you might get snaked as I am
leaving my e-mail jimmybrinser@hotmail.com Go ahead ladies search the name .. Later on broheim R drop me a line!
A - Jimmy Brinser or PCat: Jimbo, Will be in touch.
Called your house, but no one was home. Left the phone number on your machine. late mate bill has a gate.
R Dub
Q - Randy- Hey, remember me? Well, I am an old friend from hs and
Ithink I'm the only Mandy from there that you were friends with, so you shouldknow who I am. Anyway, I just thought
I would send you a little note and tellyou congrats on everything you have accomplished! Wow, you are really doingwell
for yourself!!! It is good to see a friendly face!!! Well, I wish you allthe best and will be ready to watch some
of these movies as soon as they arereleased! Take care of yourself and let me know if you ever come through AZ,b/c we
will have to go out for some drinks and dancing!!! Keep in touch-k! Don't work too hard- Mandy
A - You might have been the only Mandy I knew, I mean it's
possible. But you are definately the only Mandy I dated. Thanks for the compliments and encouragement. You're
a doll. And I will get in touch if ever in AZ. later on
Q - Dear Randy, if you
had to do shipwrecked all over again and could only take four members of the cast with you - who would it be, and why? - Gill
A - I would take Allan to
make me laugh, Geordie to keep us alive, and Sarah and Vicki for entertainment ;)
Q - saw you on that morning after show, cute buns ya got there, is that the first time you mooned someone? Liz
A - Liz...That wasn't the first time I've mooned someone, but definately the first time on National Television. Thanks
by the way!
Q - Hey Randy - remember me, Alison and Sam? Well, we're still keeping up on what
you're doing and Sam's in the US at the moment, she saw Meet My Folks! Don't forget your first fans when you're rich and famous
- we love ya! Gill x
- Gill! Of course I remember you 3 hotties.
How could I forget? Tell the other two I said hello. Good to hear back from you as well!!
Q - Hey gorgeous when are you gonna make it to british
shores so we can see you in the flesh ?? we are waiting for you with bated breath. xx
A - I don't know, but it's
#1 on my list. Cheers Mate.
Randy and his friend Rainbow (ex Shipwrecked
Q - Dear Randy, I'm a huge fan of yours and
think you're totally gorgeous.. if I was to see you in a club one night, how could I catch your eye? What do you look
for in a girl? - Claire
A - Thanks Claire. When I'm at a club I look for a girl that carries a lot of confidence and shows it in the
way she dances. I'm a good dancer so I prefer a girl that can keep up with me. Ohh playing hard to get is cool
and all, but don't play too hard otherwise we jet. And what I look for in a girls' personality is a big sense of humor cuz
I'm a silly guy, one who is spontaneous, and not too shy. A fit body is definately a plus.
Q - Dear Randy, Firstly just wanna say that
I love the website, it's really cool that your fans that watched you on Shipwrecked are now getting the chance to see what
you're up to right now, I check it daily :) And, my question is, can you describe a typical day for yourself? love ya! - Emily
A - Well, I'm not one to sit around and watch tele
if I find a day without auditions, I do as much as I can to keep from being bored and to stay busy. However, on days I do
have auditions, I get up, work out, shower and spend the rest of the day with casting agents. There really isn't a typical
day at the moment.. it changes from day to day, week to week.
Q - Hey Randy, What's up man? Just wondering
when you are coming home to OKLAHOMA!!?? All of us miss you a lot! Everyone says hi, and wonders how you are doing..Nice
fan site by the way I'm your biggest one after your mom of course!! - Colin
A - Colin
thanks for the email man. I miss all ya'll and I'm really looking forward to coming back to Oklahoma for my 21st.
Hey colin, at least your not avalanche tengo. ;)
Q - Hey Randy, I
am a friend of Kristen's and I actually met you when we were in L.A recently. I noticed you've been in a SOAP. That
is what I want to do -- how did you get into it?
A - I wouldn't really say I'm into it yet, but I have come extremely close to
a contract. Basically I met a manager, who sent me to an agent, that submited me for parts on different soaps.
There are a couple big casting directors that deal with more than one soap. My advice is to look for a manager with
an "in" on soaps. They are really good at getting one's foot in the door. One last thing, don't show up an hour
late for your screen test. I made that mistake once, and it'll never happen again. Best to ya, rw
Q - Hey Randy--We
all miss you dearly out here in cowboy country...what do you miss most about Oklahoma? The thing I miss most is you!!--nic
- kinikki... I miss ya too nuggets. My friends and family are everything to me, so I definately miss ya'll the most.
Q - Dear Randy, Are you a big fan
of the movies and is there any big movie role, you've watched recently that you wish could've been you? Serena
A - Serena, I am a fan of the movies, especially comedies and thrillers. I just saw the Beach with Leonardo
DiCaprio. Leo's role was one that I wish would have been me.
Q - Dear Randy, You
always look so gorgeous,how do you keep your skin looking so great, what products do you use and who cuts your hair?? Stacie
A - My skin eh?!?! That's funny, never actually had anyone ask me that.
Honestly I don't do anything, just wash my face before bed. As for my hair, I have the best hairstylist in the world,
Q - Dear Randy, it seems like
you had a great time on your date in cancun. besides 'morning after' and the stuff that came along with that, what else
did you during your time in cancun? - kelly
A - Hey Kelly.. I definitely took advantage of the
nightlife, drank a lot, danced so much my legs were sore, went night swimming, partied on the beach with random people, and
bargained with the local people for souvenirs and such. MTV kept a close eye on me... they wanted to make sure that I was
staying out of trouble!
Q- Hey Randy, Im going to london in
two weeks. wanna come? Gota catch up mate just scored a small role in an aussie movie. Cya - Geordie
A - Geordie
congrats man, two weeks is too soon, but there's a good chance I'll be visiting or maybe even moving to London for a while. Working
out the details right now.
Q - Dear
Randy, I know that you love all of these girl swooning over you and everything...but do you think you could take a break from
it for a night and have a lil fun with a "spontaneous, not to shy girl?" I know you want to, so call me!!!
A - umm... Yeah, I'm ready when you are.
Q - Hey Randy~ 1st of all i gotta tell u that ur very hott and u got
the sexiest voice! my question is...is there any chance ur gonna be comin to indiana netime soon, maybe south bend?
A- Sarah...Thanks alot for your kindness. I don't have any plans to visit Indiana as of yet. I
was there a couple times during college for swim meets and once for snow skiing. I'll definately let you know if I
am though. Happy Holidays. Randy Wayne
Q - Randy, Do you plan to be on more T.V.
shows? Mimi
A - Mimi... I am working right now with an agency
that has a lot of young TV and Film stars, auditions are coming pretty often. If I book some more work, I'll be sure
to give an update. I'm working on a film right now that will be in video stores by the end of this year '03 or early
next year '04. Thanks for writing in.
Q - Hey Randy, You are totally sexy! Well
Yeah have you ever been to Louisville, KY? If Not you should come here for one of our festivals or maybe even the carl
casper car show they have like actors come there every yr and you should come sometime we would love to see ya here! Luvz
A - Laura... I have been to Louisville, I actually
went to college in a town called Campbellsville. I haven't however attended any of the festivals or the carl casper
event. I might end up there one day, thanks for the info. Cheers.
- Shipwrecked was
a great show and you were the main reason. Are your eyes really that blue or do you wear contacts or have the photo's
been retouched? lostfann
A - I wear clear contacts b/c I have the worst vision. But no I don't wear anything to make them brighter nor
did i have the pictures retouched. If I were to get the retouched I'd probably go for the red dots all over my face. late