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The Morning After...



Randy with Morning After presenter Willa Ford and MTV presenter Quddus
"Cancun was great, plenty of sun and hella fun. The one place where everyone there has the same goals, get drunk, dance, have fun, and hook up. My date, Vanessa, was absolutely gorgeous and we got along perfect. The date went well and I hear that the show is going to turn out really good. It's the first episode of the new series, so I'm crossing my fingers." 
                                                       Randy Wayne,  21 March 2002


Randy & Vanessa with the other couple from the show - Jimmy & Michelle
The show was the 'Morning After' - and the name of the game was to anticipate just how well you knew your date.. and to suss what they thought of you... Randy and Vanessa spent 16 hours together - hit it off,  got along real well and were quick to praise each other..  a real case of mutual attraction, and even though 1 little question cost Randy the 'pesos' on offer -  was the real prize the cash or Vanessa?!!  

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