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News and Gossip


Remember 'Saint Dog' a short movie Randy did a few months back? Well - it's been selected to screen at the Palm Springs International Shorts Film Festival.  This is an Academy accredited festival, and 'Saint Dog' was selected from an international pool of short film submissions. The festival runs from August 31-September 6 and it's likely 'Saint Dog' will screen on the night of September 4th, a Saturday.
Heard from Randy over the weekend, he's in Denver and is very happy with the way filming is going. He's still auditioning for other movies by tape whilst he's out there, so keep your fingers crossed that he keeps the momentum going!!
Randy's currently on location shooting 'The Surfer King' - hopefully we'll have an update on how it's all going for you soon.. meantime check out a trailer for his forthcoming movie 'Scar' www.thelegacymill.com
Check out Randy's page on www.imdb.com - a website used by 'mostly' industry people to check out an actors credentials etc.
www.thesurferking.com is the official webpage for the movie Randy starts filming Aug. 2-September 10 in Denver, CO.  Check it out and click the "meet our cast" link to have a look at Randy and his co-stars.
Big HUGE news... Randy's just booked the lead in a film called "The Surfer King".  He'll be playing Robbie Zirpollo, the lead. It's a SAG feature production and will be filming in Denver, CO.  The film should be headed toward the BIG SCREEN - it's looking good!
Randy's booked another independent feature film called"Scar"  which starts filming in May.  He's playing the lead alongside known actors Dee Wallace Stone (mother in E.T.) and Joe Estevez (Martin Sheen's older brother).
Randy's just booked a commercial for the clothing store "Ross, Dress for Less" - it's a national commercial and will be airing in the spring/summer. It'll feature him shipwrecked on an island with 4 girls and another guy...
Well after a little break we're back with a new look and a few updates and changes, some news on exactly what Randy's up to will be coming very soon - rest assured he's busy busy busy - and things are looking good for 2004! Keep checking the site out and thanks for all your support during our quiet period!
Good news - the kodak commercial is now online! Go check out the cuteness at: ftp://www.partizan.us/freelance/aaron/kodak.mov

More Shipwrecked news! Find out the schedule for Shipwrecked and Shipwrecked Extra in the US. Head over to: http://www.sho.com/shonext/series/index.cfm For further info! It's been airing on Shonext a Showtime channel for the last 12 weeks.  We think its going to have another go round and air again from the begininning though!
Randy's US fans who missed out on the 'Shipwrecked' experience might be interested to know that the show is now airing across the pond on cable channel 'Showtime' - go check it out - you won't be disappointed!
Big news as Randy's just been booked for a principle role in a new movie - details to follow, but its something we can all look forward to renting I'm sure - word on the street is that its a comedy/horror movie and starts filming April 5! And...after Randy's success on 'Meet My Folks' it's been auditions aplenty! He'll keep us posted on the outcome of his busy spell. We've got a 'Meet My Folks' page coming soon too, so look out for that....finally, for fans of that show, and of Randy, go check out www.realitynewsonline.com for a recent interview!! 
Update! Randy's just been booked for a Coca~Cola commercial.  It films Thursday 13th Feb, and will air in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. He's also doing a pilot for a show called "Girls Gone Crazy" not for broadcast.  Not "Girls Gone Wild"  but similar, it's a show about dating in the party manor. No walks on the beach, kite flying or romantic dinners, just plain fun, drinking, dancing, partying and wherever that leads.... sounds very interesting!!
New look for the new year!! Still working away at the update so new things and changes will be made daily over the next week or so!! Look out for some Randy news coming your way...
This Sunday night (10 Nov)Randy is one of the 17 judges for the Miss-Asia USA competition.  There will be 35 girls from all over competing.  He'll be judging the evening gown and swim suit.  Check it out as it will air on the International Channel.
Some news just in! The air date for Dismissed in the US is October 15, at 5pm and 11pm pacific time  "Suspect" is now due to air on the October 28.  Not sure on the time yet, but I'm sure Randy will let us know! He's also playing the lead in an Independent Short film called "Parking Structure #8"  filming for this project starts shortly and runs for 3 weeks
More news! "Meet My Folks"  is back on, and  a sure thing now.  The show was ranked number 2 for ratings in the US - Just behind American Idol, soooo over 16 million people will be watching! Also the air date for Suspect will be October 14 on MTV, It will be the first show of the season, and they're gonna use Randy's episode for commercials... :)
More news just in - Randy's just scored a 'Vans' commercial in the US filming early October!!
Alrightttttttt - Randy's playing the 'suspect' in 'SUSPECT' the new MTV show, he'll do his third day of filming next week.. As for whether or not he'll turn out guilty - you'll just have to tune in and find out!!
Just heard - Randy's scored a part in a new MTV show called 'Suspect' - to be filmed next week. The show features the re-inactment of a real life crime incident, no word yet whether he's playing a criminal or victim... more news as we get it!!
Should have some news for you soon - Randy's beavering away on the audition circuit right now, and it's starting to pay off with quite a few things in the pipeline.... look out for a major update coming up...
Look out for more updates coming soon - Randy's gone home to celebrate his 21st Birthday with family and friends this week. Hope it's the best one ever!!
Randy's just been cast in a new short film called '9 Minutes' - it wont unfortunately appear on TV screens, but it will, along with another 3 he's done, be shown in various film festivals coming up....
Good & bad news... bad first on the 'Meet my Folks' show, Randy's pulled out for business reasons.. but good  follows as today he's auditioning for a major US soap opera - news on whether or not he's successful to follow..

Another very busy week for Randy, in which he made some really positive developments in his career. He's just signed with the US' #1 modelling agency for commercials and print, he's also changed acting agencies, this time signing up with one the countries top agencies, who used to count Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio amongst their clients, and last but by no means least, he signed up with a manager who will lead him in the right direction and make sure he meets all the right people. The future's looking very bright indeed.
Unfortunately 'Soulmates' isn't happening now - this isn't a reflection on performance, as it happens with a lot of pilot shows, and Randy's isn't disheartened by it.  Gonna be a little while longer until 'Meet my folks' is a go too - but we'll keep you updated.
More filming this week!  Randy's doing a pilot for a show called 'Soulmates' - more news on how it went coming v. soon! Also news on another show called 'Meet my folks' - a dating show in which Randy's parents will be involved in picking his date!
Keep checking the site as we could be celebrating a fantastic job opportunity for Randy real soon.... nothing definite yet, he's still in talks but keep your fingers crossed for him!
Good news for all Randy's fans in the UK - Cable channel E4 are repeating the series starting Wed 1st May at 3.40 pm for programme info check out Geordies Fansite at http://www.geocities.com/geordiessheilas/
By all accounts the filming of 'Dismissed' was a huge success, although it's gonna be a while before it's shown. Randy reckons it'll be end of the summer before it's on US  tv and later in  the UK - he'll let us know  the exact dates though as soon as he has them..
Keep checking the website as a new page will be with you all very shortly - it's Randy's chance to give something back to you all for the love and support you show him, an opportunity for him to show his appreciation...
Randy's show for US MTV 'The Morning After' was  shown Friday 22 March and was set to run 5 times - hope you all tuned in!? The word on the street was that Randy was HOTT!  A spin off was filmed the same Friday back in California, so look out for that coming soon....
Check out www.mtv.com for news on the show!



Randy's been majorly busy with auditions recently - and he's promised to keep us up-to-date with all the progress he makes on them! Watch this space!!
Soon you'll be able to check out Randy on the 'net - he's just finished filming a Kodak Camera commercial which we'll all be able to view - link coming as soon as it's online
Randy's just landed the lead in a new movie.. another horror - filming starts in June - more info to follow.....
We've finally gone dot.com - thanks to Randy's bro as he's given us a domain name, change your bookmarks to our new address as of now, we'll be much easier to locate...
Alrighttt - who saw Randy's appearance on 'Meet My Folks' then? The show was the highest rated non-sport show in that time slot since May 1999 - nearly 11 million viewers. How cool is that? Randy's gained major exposure online and on radio from it!
Randy's been listed on a fansite of one of the sexiest guys!! Check out: https://www.angelfire.com/pa3/bsb32/sexy.html - and if the website owner is a site visitor, please get in touch!!
If you're quick you can catch a clip of Randy's 'Suspect' show on the MTV website.. not sure how long they're leaving the clip up - so go check it out now!! http://www.mtv.com/onair/suspect/
Enjoying all the pics that have been coming your way? Well we have more coming soon! Randy's just completed a new modelling shoot, so we'll have evidence of that possibly next week!
(Thanks to Randy's friend Kristen for sharing her pics)
New pics coming thick and fast - keep checking back for more!

Yeah I know, no new pics have arrived yet - but it's all under control :)  Randy's doing a new photo shoot today so we should see evidence of these in the very near future!!
Look out for some new pics coming this week - I'm sure you guys are as excited to see them as I am... :p
This week Randy's in talks about a management deal...
Psst... not one to gossip..., but who was that hanging out and partying at Aaron Spellings house in LA a few days back? The very same person then carried on partying till the early hours at Christina Aguilera's house.... any idea? Gooo Randy..
Randy's filming 'Dismissed' a dating show with high ratings in US on Thursday 18 April. In this show he will be taken out by two girls on the same evening to two different dates.  At the end of the night he will "dismiss" one of them.... sounds like good , entertaining stuff!! Watch out for that!!  
Now back from Cancun, and sporting a good tan - look out for updates coming soon..
Keep Checking back - Randy's now in Cancun - and promises to bring back new pix, stories and hopefully some video clips....
With the Cancun trip looming,  and with what little spare time he has, Randy's currently soaking up the sun, working on his tan and generally getting into shape... no doubt, he'll look fab by the time he hits the screens....

Has anyone spotted Randy Wayne out and about... let us know!! Email us @ randywaynefans@hotmail.com